Manna House of Oakhurst
40398 Junction Drive PO Box 1658 Oakhurst, California 93644 Top of the hill, opposite Yosemite New Life Church
Open: 10 AM to 2 PM Monday thru Friday
(559) 683-6262 E-mail: mannahouseofoakhurst@yahoo.com
For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. (John 6:33) |
Manna House in Oakhurst was founded in 1983 as an extension of the Mountain Ministerial Association with Rev. Paul Hansen, Rev. Gary Cooper, and Bert Greenwood being the driving forces. The purpose was to provide a Christian emergency food and clothing pantry for all in need. Here is Gary's memory of the start: "While pastoring Living Way, I became frustrated with the way a few people would go from church to church manipulating the pastors. At the same time, our resources were not enough to really help those who needed help. At the monthly pastors’ meeting, I moved to start a local, cooperative food share. Pastor Hanson from the Lutheran church immediately seconded the motion—it was already on his mind. It was approved. Shortly thereafter, Bert Greenwood joined us and we began putting together the logistics to make it work. Soon we began recruiting volunteers from the churches and holding orientation meetings. Interesting sidelight, Paul and I could not agree on a name. While we were at the phone company signing up for a phone, the only number we thought of that wasn’t taken was 642 MANA, which I had been advocating. Paul acquiesced. This the name Manna house. He was able to arrange for us to use a small building by the restaurant at 426 and 41. With a lot of enthusiasm, cooperation and hard work by the volunteers, we were soon up and running. And the rest is history."
Barbara Hansen and Barbara Armstrong were the first Director / Representatives. In 1992 Troy West (left) was appointed Director in a volunteer capacity. In 1996 Troy appointed Thomas Nicolulis (center) his assistant, and he graduated to Director in 2006. And in 2019 Tom’s assistant Bruce Bartlett (right) took command. Thank you, all.
Sierra News gives a flavor in 2012: https://sierranewsonline.com/manna-house-gives-it-all-away/
And thanks to our volunteers...